

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Diy Cedar Elevated Garden Bed

Free Raised Garden Bed / Elevated Planter Project Plan DIY Project
Free Raised Garden Bed / Elevated Planter Project Plan DIY Project from www.pinterest.com


Are you looking for an easy way to grow your own vegetables and flowers, without the hassle of digging a traditional garden bed? Look no further than a DIY cedar elevated garden bed! These raised garden beds are perfect for small spaces, as well as for those who want to avoid back pain and knee strain associated with traditional gardening.

Choosing Your Materials

To build your own cedar elevated garden bed, you'll need the following materials: - 4 pieces of cedar wood, cut to your desired length and width - Wood screws - A power drill or screwdriver - A level - A saw, if you need to cut your wood to size

Building Your Garden Bed

1. Begin by laying out your cedar boards to create the frame of your garden bed. Use your level to ensure that each board is straight and even. 2. Once your boards are laid out, use your power drill or screwdriver to attach them together with wood screws. Be sure to use at least two screws per board for added stability. 3. Once your frame is complete, it's time to add the legs. Cut four additional pieces of cedar wood to your desired length for each leg. Attach the legs to the corners of your frame using wood screws. 4. Finally, use your saw to cut a piece of mesh or landscaping fabric to fit the bottom of your garden bed. This will help prevent weeds and other unwanted growth from taking root in your soil.

Filling Your Garden Bed

Now that your garden bed is complete, it's time to fill it with soil and plants! Consider using a mix of high-quality potting soil, compost, and vermiculite for optimal plant growth. You can also add a layer of mulch on top of your soil to help retain moisture and prevent weeds from taking root.

Caring for Your Garden Bed

To keep your cedar elevated garden bed healthy and thriving, be sure to water your plants regularly and fertilize them as needed. You should also be sure to weed your garden bed regularly to prevent unwanted growth from taking over.

Benefits of Cedar Elevated Garden Beds

There are a number of benefits to choosing a cedar elevated garden bed over a traditional garden bed. For one, elevated garden beds are easier on your back and knees, making them a great choice for those with mobility issues. They're also perfect for small spaces, as they can be easily placed on a balcony, patio, or deck. Additionally, cedar wood naturally resists rot and insects, making it a great choice for outdoor use.


Building your own cedar elevated garden bed is a great way to enjoy fresh vegetables and flowers all season long, without the hassle of a traditional garden bed. With just a few simple materials and some basic woodworking skills, you can create a beautiful and functional garden bed that will provide you with years of enjoyment. So why wait? Start building your own cedar elevated garden bed today!