

Monday, May 22, 2023

Diy Concrete Bird Bath Fountain

DIY Concrete Birdbath For Less Than Six Dollars! Diy concrete
DIY Concrete Birdbath For Less Than Six Dollars! Diy concrete from www.pinterest.com


Are you looking for a way to attract more birds to your backyard? A great option is to build a DIY concrete bird bath fountain. Not only does it provide a source of water for birds to drink and bathe in, but it also adds a decorative element to your outdoor space.

Materials Needed

To build a concrete bird bath fountain, you will need the following materials:
  • Concrete mix
  • Water
  • Large plastic container (for the mold)
  • Small plastic container (for the fountain portion)
  • Water pump
  • Hose
  • Decorative stones or tiles

Steps to Build

Step 1: Create the Mold

Begin by creating your mold. Use a large plastic container as the mold for the bird bath. You can use any size or shape you prefer, but make sure it is large enough to accommodate the fountain portion.

Step 2: Mix the Concrete

Mix the concrete according to the instructions on the package. Once the mixture is ready, pour it into the mold. Be sure to leave enough space for the fountain portion.

Step 3: Add the Fountain Portion

Place a small plastic container upside down in the center of the bird bath mold. This container will serve as the fountain portion of the bird bath.

Step 4: Insert the Water Pump

Insert the water pump into the small plastic container. Make sure the pump is fully submerged in water.

Step 5: Connect the Hose

Connect the hose to the water pump and run it to a nearby power source. This will provide power to the water pump.

Step 6: Decorate

Once the concrete has dried, remove the mold and decorate the bird bath with decorative stones or tiles. This will add a nice touch to your bird bath fountain.


To keep your bird bath fountain in good condition, be sure to clean it regularly. This will help prevent algae buildup and keep the water fresh for the birds. You should also check the water pump periodically to ensure it is working properly.


Building a DIY concrete bird bath fountain is a fun and easy project that can provide hours of enjoyment for you and your feathered friends. With a little effort and some basic materials, you can create a beautiful and functional addition to your backyard. So why not give it a try today?